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High School

Posted by Chancee


Forum: Life

I'm currently in High School and it is super draining and im not even doing much, and its like i love the environment and the drama always gives me a story to tell, but its like there are no fellow scene/emos there at all so i stand out a lot. SO, how do yall feel about high school/ and or what was your expirance when you went to high school

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Reply by Jasmine


High school really wasn't my thing lol. Here in the UK you can go to college at 16 and since then I've enjoyed it a lot more! People seem like people instead of just students and yeah there are dickish people but people aren't impressed with them lol. I actually see a lot more alt people at college and I feel like people are more themselves.

But GOSH I hated high school lmao. It makes you feel like everything sucks. My mental health has improved so much since leaving. Something my familys told me over the years and really stuck with me is that you just have to find your people. People who make you feel glad to be yourself lol and that's much much easier outside of high school

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Reply by cooldude94


The whole emo/goth thing isn't really around so much anymore so unfortunately the fact of the matter is that you're going to stand out. Whether or not that's okay with you is your decision to make. You may be able to find like-minded people in your area but perhaps not at your school.

In high school I dressed like a greaser I guess lol. I wore leather jackets, striped shirts, lots of accessories. Somewhere between a rockerboy and a greaser I guess. No one else at my school really stood out in such a way. But I kept to myself as to not draw any extra attention. I didn't like being bothered or getting into fights with people. So I kept my head down and was just nice to everyone for the most part, even if I didn't want to be. People who are shitty to you often want a reaction of some kind so just don't give them any. The more boring some of these annoying people think you are the better, honestly.

The right people will turn up eventually, just takes some time. Depends on your area and your scene too. Just be as kind and cool as you can, to everyone, even if they don't deserve it. People will appreciate that. I never found my fellow rockerboy greasers personally, even to this day. But I found some phenomenal people in High School who I love to this day. Interests are really not what matters at all in a friendship. They are just a bare bones basics sort of thing. It's all about chemistry, mutual respect, compassion, world view, etc. Most high school friendships die out post-high school anyways as you learn these things. Adult friends are generally where it's at.

Best wishes in finding your group and navigating the high school social sphere! Just know that it doesn't matter near as much as you think it does, and that's a really good thing. But do enjoy it as much as you can, it's only 4 years so make the moments count.

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