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8 more profile themes /layouts done

Posted by Anfaeia


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

Alright, I've done 8 themes in the passed few hours.
Last night I think I did 11? I lost track and im pooped.

Anyway, I made 8 new ones. I hope you guys dig them.

I'm going to go to sleep.

Don't forget to leave kudos? Idk what they're good for but I like them lol. Thank you guys

If you do use one.
Go to my blog to find them, I dont have displays for them unfortunately right now.

Copy the coding, go to edit profile, then add the text to "who I'd like to meet"

Much love guys. have a love filled day!!! Or sleep sweet!!!

~"Heart" IconFauxy

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2 Replies

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Reply by GRIFFEN


we cant leave kudos on forum post you nitwit

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Reply by KrisCrossApplesauce


help how do i put music on my profile cuz nothing works and idk what im doing wrong ahdfhjsafgfds

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