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Favorite Vocaloid Song & Why

Posted by Roo ⚠


Forum: Music

Hi everyone! I was curious to see what the Vocaloid fandom on Spacehey's opinions were regarding their favorite song and why! (This does include UTAU and Fanloid songs!) I'm just curious, drop it on me!

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Reply by tisteatime


gimmexgimme bc i'm fucking basic with my vocaloid opinions

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Reply by tisteatime


gimmexgimme bc i'm fucking basic with my vocaloid opinions

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Reply by Roo ⚠


Gimme X Gimme is so so good, that's a super based choice. When it first came out, I listened to it for like a whole week straight LMAO

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Reply by furrywave


Losstime Memory by Jin is my personal favourite! I really like Kagerou Project in general, but that song really resonated with me... I'm not the hugest fan of IA but the "ikanai de~" near the end of the song was sung strongly

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Reply by Roo ⚠


Such underrated picks! I can understand the mixed feelings about IA, she's pretty okay, but she's not my favorite either! But Jin is so good, and Kagerou Project is a classic! 

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Reply by Hyperr


Before i was born by maretu PERFECTION 

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Reply by Roo ⚠


Any Maretu song is absolutely banger, there's never been a Maretu song I disliked!

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Reply by ASH !!


i have lots of favorites, but ill choose "Ime-chan wants to become a guitar hero" just bc Ime44 is my fave producer !!

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Reply by Roo ⚠


I've actually never heard that one! I'll definitely have to give it a listen! I love your Mikoto profile picture so much, btw!! It's so cute!!! ><!!

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