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Any Ed fans out there??

Ed is kind, good-natured, and happy-go-lucky with a positive attitude towards almost everything and everyone he encounters. He is the type of person who sees everybody he meets as a potential friend. Ed is also very absent-minded and naïve, making him the perfect candidate for Eddy to help him with his scams, as Ed hardly ever questions them. Even so, Ed never feels abused by Eddy despite being the workhorse for almost all of Eddy's scams.

However, Ed is often the subject of abuse by his younger sister Sarah. He always fears Sarah when she gets him in the palm of her hand. Even though she torments him a lot, he still loves Sarah dearly and does his best to protect her and make her feel happy.

Ed is a loyal fan of low-budget horror movies and comic books but often misinterprets them as reality. He is an animal lover as well, with chickens being his favorite animal, a running gag throughout the series. His love of chickens sees him often attempting to borrow those belonging to Rolf, and he once even ignored a Jawbreaker giveaway mere feet away from the candy store in order to dive into a gigantic chicken drive. He has also displayed a selective affinity for music, as he was unable to play the violin when his mother commanded him to but was able to play the flute excellently in "Who's Minding the Ed?" Ed also enjoys certain foods, most notably buttered toast and gravy, as the unused bathtub in his bedroom is filled with the latter. Other foods that Ed likes are pudding skin and Chunky Puffs.

Some examples of what Ed doesn't like are vegetables and soap, meaning he does not lead a basic healthy life, much to the chagrin of the more hygienic Edd. Even so, he doesn't seem to suffer physically under his low maintenance lifestyle.

Although Ed is a very childlike and loving character who will easily hug, kiss, or playfully interact with other characters, the Kanker Sisters are a rare exception for him. The equally loving May Kanker is often left standing.

Above all, Ed is a loyal friend who sticks by those he cares for as much as he possibly can.

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Reply by Lost Beach Boy


Ed was always my favorite! I always felt close to comdeic relief characters in shows like this but Ed especially. Even though he was not the brightest bulb he always had a solution to a lot of the problems that the guys had. He was also the embodiment of "Ignorance is bliss".

He is also the reason that I really started geting into crappy B horror films. I wanted to be the kid that wasn't afraid of that stuff and also wanted to just be happy like he was and not care what people thought of me if I was doing something weird. He found people that could accept him for who he was even though he was really strange (and even had a girl that wanted him haha) so if he can do it, why not me? I'm still the weird kid now but I have a lot of friends so it all worked out for me!

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Reply by Ooki ^_^


ed will always be fave, he was there with the eds thick and thin <3

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