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daily poetry challenge august

hello!! i decided i want to get back into writing poetry and thought other people would want to join me on this journey! respond below with a poem every day for the rest of august, even if it’s just a short draft. if you miss a day, don’t worry, just come back the next! let’s have fun with this and write lots of good (or not so good, who cares?!) shit! 

i’ll start! here’s my poem for august 14, 2023. it’s called starfall farm. 

sweat and salt, 

writhing bodies, bright orange

silicon bong going around— 

smoke in your eyes doesn’t hide

the moon, nor the perfectly unhidden 

meteor shower. watch it in a drunken

stupor, reach up and grab a star — 

make every friend kiss it 

with their beer-stained lips, 

shove it in your pocket

and let it heat your blood forever.

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Reply by lucille



look upon your brother

and feel your heart expand— 

his soul joining 

yours, some subconscious meta-

physical facet of him reaching

light-shard hands into your ribcage, 

carefully prying muscles mass apart, 

gentling out a rib, making room 

to lean into you, take 

your heart between his illusionistic

teeth — head first he enters

your chest, your coronary 

arteries, stays there; and so 

here you are, your brother’s keeper

in every sense. his breaths

becoming the very pulse in your veins. 

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Reply by Vane Calamus


Love this idea, I'll join in!

Let me be myself

If I can't figure out who that is

Free me from the pressure of being anyone else

Even if I don't know who I am, at least I know who I am not

Aug 20, 2023

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Reply by Vane Calamus


It's so hard to speak

So hard to breathe

I cannot see

I cannot sleep

The muscles in me have all atrophied

As I lie in bed, it hurts to blink

The thoughts to roam, wander like a hostile spirit

Is it the past that haunts me? I don't know, is it?

It's in my blood, my skin my bones

I'll annihilate myself to atone 

Aug 21, 2023

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Reply by Vane Calamus


For every mistake, the consequence is wisdom

Even if missed, still something is learned

Some learn through the wisdom of others

Their mistakes and the consequence

So in theory, the best one can do

Is learn from their mistakes

And share that wisdom with others

Aug 22, 2023

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Reply by Vane Calamus


I almost missed today's entry! It's 10 pm for me

I know nothing of the outcome, yet I deliberate

I consider what my actions mean and what steps to take

Extract the purpose, once valued, now worthless

Presently worse than my past self, my future is selfless at last

Aug 23, 2023

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Reply by Vane Calamus


Once a flame is extinguished, can it reignite?

Some materials, when burned, are destroyed

Some things burn brighter over millions of years

Then die out and absorb everything in reach

Some things hold flame, yet remain

Some things resist, and some change shape

But what of our embers? What's to come when we burn?

We may never know, at least I'm not concerned

Aug 24, 2023

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Reply by Vane Calamus


A small favor

Give your life to me

A small favor

Drop your friends for me

Just a small one

Change your entire persona

Do me this one favor

And submit yourself completely to me

But do yourself a favor

And enforce your boundaries

Aug 25, 2023

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