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Favorite Undertale/Deltarune character and why you love them GO

Posted by Bushbot


Forum: Games

Here I'll start

Spamton cause he's so silly and so tragic I wanna give him warm baths and a cookie and be his friend !!!! You can pry him off my cold dead hands unless you wanna share
Berdly is a close second, I love his friendship with Noelle :3

You can respond as silly or as analytical as you want I love character analysis :000

Fan interpretations of characters welcome, it may or may not be noticeable I have an obsession appreciation of Brightgoat's addisons
They have so much personality !!!! How could I not love them !!!!! 

Smol baby edit: God I love all your responses,,, I want to reply to each so bad but I also I still don't know how spacehey works exactly and also anxiety >.<"

And if you wanna talk more about UT/DR in general my IMs are always open 👉👈

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Reply by Palette


fox: Undyne, because she's a hot lesbo and I want to smash skulls with her for sure, plus her music fucking slaps my entire ass, I will forever vibe to Spear of Justice, and Battle Against A True Hero gives me all the chills, every single goddamn chill

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Reply by Palette


plum: I love so many of them!! I really love Noelle, I feel like we could be friends, plus the little checkers are so cuuuuuute~!! Though, they might not count as characters I guess, ehehe... Also, I love napstablook, they're so cute and emo and I would lie no the floor dissociating with them for sure for sure for sure, hehehe

Also, you didn't ask, but I hate Berdly, smug little nerd jerkface, aaaaaa, I have never disliked something as much as Berdly ((╬◣﹏◢))

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Reply by drunkyhotbowls


noelle!! she's just so nice and cool. I especially loved her blog during spamton sweepstakes!!  honestly the scenes between her and susie are some of my faves in the entire game <3noelles my favourite but kris is probably more similar to me personality wise 

for undertale it's defo asgore, he's so sweet and nice, but I think it's so cool that he's conflicted. obviously killing kids is bad but he did it for his people and I always feel bad for him when toriels mean to him :(

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Reply by Lilith Primalflower


would it be considered "vanilla" to simply respond with like, Kris/Frisk/Chara? Because those are my answers, tee hee.

I think that undertale as a video game is one of the most interesting video games i've ever played, for a million different reasons, but one of which being the fact that it's like... a video game with two main characters that you play as, ...but the game doesn't tell you that overtly! I love frisk & (the ghost of) chara's dynamic, with chara's narration of frisk's events starting out much colder and utilitarian at the beginning, but slowly growing more open and... i guess, vulnerable and friend-like as the game goes on and the two experience things together. Undertale is a video game that, in part, is about showing someone who died hating humanity and thereby themselves, some of the more positive aspects of the word, and I think that's very valuable.

a less analytical part of me also just enjoys them detached from the story itself. i used to consume a lot of dreamy-94 charisk art as a youngin. still do, really.

As for Kris, i have a lot...less.. to say! i just think they're a cool teenager and i wanna see what stuff happens with them as deltarune's story continues. I think it's kind of funny that like, whenever the game wants to show you kris' reaction to your choices, they sort of have to do like the thing that happens in cartoons whenever a character is in a phone call but the audience can't hear the other side of it, where they just repeat whatever was said to them in order to key the audience in on it. I think it's funny when the game goes out of its way to comment on kris' confused delivery of a line or their frustrated expression and tone for others.

fun to see all the noelle likers in the chat. the moment i read her social media pages was the moment i warmed up to her. -u-

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Reply by magpie


UNDYNE !!! She's gorgeous, sure, but I'm kind of obsessed with her as a tragic character. She's noble and kind and it breaks my heart to watch her surpass her limits and become the undying hero only to lose :( her death scene has been melted into my brain since the first time i played the game back in 2016 haha. her music is also like, beyond incredible, and her combat is really really fun to play in, especially in the no mercy route! She might not be the hardest boss, but i find her combat style and the patterns a lot more fun and satisfying than the traditional bullet hell style. 

Also, on a personal level, she was one of the first openly gay characters I can remember seeing, especially being on the more masculine side. She meant a lot to me as a kid! It was cool to see a woman get to be badass, gross, rude, and funny without having to couch it in being traditionally feminine. I know she's not really super Butch by any means, but she was basically all I had as a kid when it came to that kind of thing.

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Reply by Deaths_Smile


My favorite UnderTale character is Napstablook. They seem pretty chill and I'd love to give them a hug.

Ralsei is my favorite Deltarune character (Seam a close second). I see part of myself in him, mainly the "trying to help others" aspect of his personality. There are a few other things, but I won't get into them.

Also, I really like Brightgoat's Addisons as well they're so cool! Nice pfp btw.

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Reply by Zeta64


I fuckin love spamton, so silly and yet so tragic, I want to give him my credit card info and a cookie

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