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Most overrated and most underrated artists - GO!

Posted by AR50N15T


Forum: Metalheads Group

Also before anyone gets salty, remember that music is opinionated!!! Just because some people don’t like one of your top 10 artists doesn’t mean that they think you are shit *cough* thats for you elitists *cough*. Now in my opinion i think most nu metal is pretty overrated. So i would probably say slipknot is pretty overrated for me. In my preferred genres (death, thrash, sludge, etc) I think that cannibal corpse is overrated. Like not in the sense that their music is shit, they’re one of my favorite bands, but I feel like they get a lot more credit then they should. Like there are very good bands out there and I’ve heard many people say “but are they as good as cc?” Also the thing thats sucks about super well known bands is that any posers who just look surface level will see them and take them for their own (like a lot of ppl did with korn for a bit, again not one of my preferred bands but if they’re on the radio I’ll listen). A super underrated band that I absolutely adore is KOIVUTUS, they’re Finnish and imo their songs sound great. My favorite one of theirs is “Järven Järvestys” (translated as Order of the Lake, I believe.) Another underrated band is Morbid Cross, they’re pretty known in the south jersey area but they still don’t get much appreciation. The last band that i think is really underrated is GORBAG, I put band in quotation marks because he’s a one-man band! All three bands I’ve listed have either just over or below 1,000 listeners on Spotify at the time of posting. And i would like to end this post off with a reminder: WHAT SOUNDS GOOD TO YOU MAY NOT SOUND GOOD TO EVERYONE. So please try to respect other’s opinions. Have a great day everyone!

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