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Do you believe in souls?

Pretty straightforward question, do you believe that human beings have souls? (ie a nonphysical aspect of ones self, encompassing higher forms of thought, morality, etc.)

If so, is the soul independent from the body? Is the body independent of the soul?

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Reply by evildevil


im not quite sure yet what i think about souls. But right now i feel like souls dont really exist and its just our brains that are capable of like forming our personality and intrests etc. from our life experience.

i think the whole soul idea is created by humans to have hope, that after we die a part of us still stays here on earth or goes somewhere better. cause after all humans have always seeked comfort in godly/more powerfull creatures and other stuff like that.

i still think the idea of soul is very beautiful. and definitely would like to hear what other people think about souls and what soul contains.

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Reply by 1st Generation


nah. I like the concepts of souls tho. It’s cool. 

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Reply by Deaths_Smile


I think humans (and all other living creatures) do have souls.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by the body and soul being independent from each other, though.

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Reply by Nanath


yes, we have souls. Your soul is the little voice you hear in your head, it´s the thing that make you conscious about yourself

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Reply by keni


i know someone once thought people had souls bc of an experiment that evidenced the loss of a few grams or smth after the cerebral death of a person, but it was all miscalculation. therefore no one was ever able to prove it scientifically and i, like everyone else should, have absolutely no opinion about its existence since i have no elements to determine a concrete answer. however, energy can’t technically be created nor destroyed, so im not sure abt where the energy our body preserves actually goes after we die and most importantly where it is stored in the first place. wish i could explain myself better but its almost 3 am. 

in short im not sure abt it, one can only take a position in regards of fate and that does not guarantee a precise answer ever. it is a nice topic if one wants to exchange opinions for the sake of it, but searching for an objective truth is impossible

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Reply by Liam


I do believe in souls very much. I believe that souls are like a copy of ourselves. In fact I believe that I am not the only soul in my body. I am a soul-walk-in therian, which explains itself pretty much. I believe that souls of animals mistakenly "inherit" my body. But they don't always stay. Why I believe this, is because I like to meditate and I just kinda feel it. If those animal souls could talk then I could definetely have some conversations with them. But also, for example there's a deer soul that's kinda confused. I don't always feel its presence, as in it just "walks out" again. You could also ask why there are no human souls, and my theory is simply: Humans are smart enough to understand that they are dead and move on or whatever. I like this concept of souls a lot. I like to imagine these souls living in my body like in a house kind of. 

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Reply by Liam


I do believe in souls very much. I believe that souls are like a copy of ourselves. In fact I believe that I am not the only soul in my body. I am a soul-walk-in therian, which explains itself pretty much. I believe that souls of animals mistakenly "inherit" my body. But they don't always stay. Why I believe this, is because I like to meditate and I just kinda feel it. If those animal souls could talk then I could definetely have some conversations with them. But also, for example there's a deer soul that's kinda confused. I don't always feel its presence, as in it just "walks out" again. You could also ask why there are no human souls, and my theory is simply: Humans are smart enough to understand that they are dead and move on or whatever. I like this concept of souls a lot. I like to imagine these souls living in my body like in a house kind of. 

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Reply by Ara



My daughter remembers her past self, her mother and her house.  We've discussed how our soul group determines which lives would be best for us to live in order to grow spiritually, but that some people believe that our souls come down, live, then go back and that's it.  We won't know for sure until our time in our meat is over and we go back.

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