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I have been flirting w this girl from Sweden(I'm from Switzerland), Idkkkkkk but I think I have fallen for her!!!! I don't know if I want a long distant relationship anymore though :( They're exhausting!! 

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Reply by ★Eli's mind★


I don´t recommend you a distant relationship.

At first all is good, but with the time the distance breaks the relation.

But is just a recommendation.

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Reply by RoseRoxy


I think it is worth a try if you are ready to move eventually (or if they will be ready to move to you) and if you have the opportunity to fly to them every now and then.
Cause long-distance relationships usually either grow to become normal relationships, or break.

(oh just checked your age. if you are 14 it is a long time commitment so it can be hard)

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Reply by marina


noooo dont do it!! its usually not so well

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