« Helping each other Forum

Fibromyalgia Support Forum

Posted by ~LynZ~


Forum: Helping each other

Do you have Fibromyalgia?

Feel free to talk about your struggle.

Ask questions.
Give others advice.
Or just vent.

We can get through this together.


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2 Replies

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Reply by Monica


my mom has it and feels a lot of pain, the only thing they advised her is less stress (but it's practically impossible) and to take painkillers. unfortunately in my country and also in others it is not entirely recognized as a disabling cronic disease when it is. thank you for talking about this topic, we must not stop talking about it to get laws passed or laws created about it. 

trivia: the famous artist Frida Kahlo was suffering from fibromyalgia

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Reply by ~LynZ~


Thank you so much for your comment.
It's very thoughtful of you to worry about your Mum.
You're right, we need more advocacy, as some Doctors still don't believe it's real.

The world needs more compassionate people like you.

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