As someone who has played fighting games for as long as 5-6 years, i can say that fighting games are a bit of a niche gandra, ney, a bit of a make or break deal of sorts, with a ofthen big learning curve and a dedication requierment that tends to be somewhat of a turn off for people, specially looking to partake in the more competitive aspects of the FGC.
for me tho, fighting games are like making a song duet with people, its the convination of flow and movement in such cordination and display that ofthen, dirves people like me insanely hyped to its now more stablished "e-sport" aspects, to this day, watching top players going at it in old tourneys like classic EVO moments and such, amazes me to this day, seriously worth the look into.
my tip for new players would defenetlly be: "regardless of the control type you use (keyboard, stick, controller), find one that suits your playstyle and go for characters that call to you, if unsure, try easing into the game by playing less imput heavy characters or more shoto style ones, great for starting out, afther that, branch out if you feel like it... and also, remember that its like riding a bike, your skills will carry over to the next game depending on how much knowledge you gather... i not telling you to focus on frame data and what nots, i sure as hell dont, but your motions and moves will defenetlly transition from one game to the other, ofthen overtime but they will"