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any megaten or persona fans????

Posted by Aven


Forum: Games

whats your favorite persona game? whats your favorite shin megami tensei game? which game out of the entire megaten series do you not like?? favorite character? fav protag? least fav character? first game?

haha that might be too many questions lol

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Reply by furrywave


I think everyone needs to play smt devil survivor immediately I love the protagonist's character design it's so simple but cool

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Reply by Arik Ozotf


first and favorite persona game played is persona 4. I watched 5, but didn't play it, and I found the story of 4 better. favorite character is kanji tatsumi. favorite protag is yu. least favorite character is adachi, because of his voice and appearance. he probably sounds fine but the fact that he's ugly [controversial] and his personality isn't the best weighs it down. least favorite game is persona 3. it's not the story [best story], it's just that tartarus is so nauseating and boring. i've been on january 4th for the last few months because i get so demotivated and i have to play with somethign else running. 

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Reply by /


fav persona game is 2 and favorite megaten is probably devil survivor, maybe digital devil saga 

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Reply by ROACH!!!!


i like all of the persona gamez tbh like they're all my favez :3 im currently playing persona 3 portable i think?? it waz the one that recently released on steam :p. idk anything abt megami tensei tho :(

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Reply by swaghaver


my fav persona game might have to be either four or innocent sin, i love how close the characters are with each other. haven't played any megaten yet but i did enjoy the (albeit repetitive) gameplay of the first persona so i think i'll like em. my first game of the series was p5r and if i'm being honest it's my least favorite of em, weakest story and characters (genuinely can't imagine em interacting with each other without joker being present and it not being awkward LUL), but i liked the gameplay. fav characters are brown and yosuke! least fav is morgana, he's SO ANNOYING and i didn't like how important he was to the plot. fav protag is yu. been playing some of the p4 spinoffs and he always just says things, love him for it.

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Reply by Waifusaurus Rex


I'm a Persona fan! My first Persona game was P5 then I played P5 Strikers. I'm currently playing P3 for the first time. :)

Ryuji is best boy :D

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