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Oh to be alive

Posted by stargirl


Forum: Life

What a beautiful thing.

Think about it, it’s not like I’m the happiest richest luckiest person but being able to wake up and feel that comfort of the sheets hugging you the sounds of birds or rain or cars or just the general buzz of the world is so beautiful..

I’m so glad I get to experience all the magical moments of life no matter what- sometimes it can be really rough I’ve cried myself to sleep so many times wishing I could do something but in the end it will all end the same so why not just try to enjoy what we have while it lasts.

I love watching strangers get happy or giggle in uncomfortable situations like when someone makes a weird sound in the silence of an elevator.

I love having the strangest conversations with people I don’t even know for example, the other day I was in the shop buying some deodorant and the guy ahead of me. Must’ve heard me say that it smelled really good because I was telling my mom that it smelled like candy and that I wanted to eat it and he said “oh I have that exact same one” and then I responded with, “so does it taste good?” and we all laughed so much and even the people behind me laugh it was so funny and it made me smile for like the rest of my week.

I love how the smallest things can make me so happy I want to cry and I know it sounds sad that I want to cry because I’m happy but I feel like it allows me to express how happy I am just a smile could ever.

I love listening to music and it just hits that spot so well and he just feel like dancing or crying singing or laughing.

We’ve all had bad days but it will come to an end.

Storm’s before rainbows

P.s. This new era in my writing an account is mainly just giving slices of life in a really real way when I’m sad to the point of mass destruction all right when I’m on cloud nine I’ll  write when I’m so nervous I feel like throwing up I’ll write. I just want to make my channel really about how it feels to be human ups and downs and middles

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Reply by life (li)


Im so glad you can see life is beautiful, we are on the same frequency. :)

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Reply by ech0gek0


Life has been sucking for me for the past year, and it’s seemingly only gotten worse and has breaking me more. But I’ve kept this mentality alive and that’s how I’ve kept going, I refuse to give up.

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