Hello! I'm Faey and I'm 22, in HS i took 4yrs of french and got to around 20% fluent, nothing crazy but I was very passionate about the language and after graduating I kept learning. During the pandemic though I hit a huge depression and stopped learning french and lost a good bit of my grip on the language. I would really like to find some friends who either speak french natively, secondly, or even thirdly to help re-learn the language. If needed I can help with english (american + some british slang / vernacular) as well!
I will now attempt to write the above in french:
Bonjour! Je m'appelle Faey et je suis 22 ans, à l'école secondaire j'ai pris quatre ans du Français et apprise peut-etre 20% de la langue, rein génial mais j'étais passionnée. En la pandémi, j'arreté apprendais parce-que je sens trés triste.
and that's about as far as I can get before I hit major road blocks. I doubt it's super fluent or good, but, as long as it's decipherable lol...
I'd be happy to message here or on a diff platform if you'd like!