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Help plzzz^×^

Guyysss I have a disorder that causes extremely bad pain, and I use a cane but I still wanna look kewl and scene. What do I do??? Help plz

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Reply by pheirah


Turn that cain into a maul!

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Reply by DolliGvtz


You could put studs, spikes, and/or sticker bomb it. Just be cautious as some places will not allow you entry with a cane covered in studs/spikes. If you can sew or crochet I think it would look really cool for you to make sleeves that slide on it that match different outfits! 

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Reply by ¡¡¡ SMITUNA !!!


you could buy several canes, i say maybe own just about 3 (for change of styles and so that just 1 cane doesn't get boring!), and decorate them! A few design ideas:

you could hotglue fake neon chains onto one of them in a spiral form, going all the way down! (or paint it neon, then do the same but with black or silver fake chains! :D (i say fake bc theyre prob cheaper and wont weigh down your canes.

you could paint it black or get a black cane and decorate it with kewl stickers!!!

maybe hotglue fake spikes onto one??

you could also get fake fur of neon or black, and wrap your cane in that!

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Reply by weirdhouseplant


Look up tutorials to decorate your cane

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