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how are we feeling about the season 5 finale?

bugnoire’s outfit was pretty slay, but i’m not gonna get over how they wrote adrien out of the finale, despite this literally being the agreste family arc. hell, they could’ve at least had félix be there, seeing as he played such a huge role in this entire thing. 

but thats just my opinion. what do you guys think?

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Reply by CRUDA


yeah l agree bugnoire totally rocked but l don't really like the spots on her eyes whatever l can understand why they left adrien out but it just feels weird that its ladybug AND chatnoir but he wasn't in the final battle with monarch

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Reply by Valerie


The fact that they made Bug noir trust Gabriel is just a cheap way to make him win because normally she's that careful, that she second-guesses everything and she wouldn't just forgive him after what he's done 

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