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List some broom closet tips! (ง ื▿ ื)ว

Hello fellow witches! I know that a lot of us are not able to be out in our practice and how we worship, so I'd love to start a thread of tips that we can all do in private! One of my favorites that I used to do was blessing my tea each morning, recipes with intention, and protection runes with oil and perfume! What are yours? <3

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Reply by Reuben


hello!! There are a few tips I know of, and most of them i got from r/BroomClosetWitch and their discord. Anyway, here are some tips:

  1. You can use color magic(k) in your wardrobe. Wear colors corresponding to the effect you want. 
  2. Altars don't have to be obvious. They can be a small shelves with things you find important to your practice disguised as decor, they can be tucked away in shoe boxes or even altoid tins, they can be on your phone if you believe in digital magic(k), or they just don't have to exist at all. I personally recommend keeping a journal, so you can keep that around somewhere hidden like in a "school" binder, or on your phone, but if that's not possible. You don't really need anything for your practice as long as your religion doesn't specifically call for it. 
  3. You don't need tools. A lot of people get hung up on the aesthetic or physical aspects of being pagan, but there isn't any rule that you have to be cottagecore or goth or anything, nor are there rules that you have to have every tool ever invented. You can find or create spells and rituals that work for you based off of your limitations, such as being inconspicuous or not using any tools. 
  4. Find an online support system. It can feel really isolating when you have to hide something important to you, so find people who have been or still are in the same boat as you and share tricks like this, share you r experiences and anything else you feel like doing. (remember to be safe and don't give out personal information)
  5. Cleansing doesn't have to be with smoke, you can cleanse with sound too by singing or playing music or ringing a bell. You can also use a besom to sweep or just physically cleanse the space and use that as a cleaning ritual in itself.
  6. Most importantly, don't feel pressured to share that you are spiritual or a pagan or whatever you are if you do not feel safe doing so.  Your safety and wellbeing is more important than others knowing what you do with your free time and what you believe in. 

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