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📀🪴Intro!!! :D 🌺💿

Howdy Hey I’m the person who you can call Nomen Ignotus or Tea! (Nomen Ignotus is A: pronounced n-omen in-yo-tus! And second, is Latin for name unknown! Or just call me Nomen/No or again, Tea!)

I use he/xe/fae pronouns! 

Kinda new to the whole Gyaru thing, I’ve seen it for a long time but haven’t actually started dressing pr anything like that so yeah :)

I lean more fem with how I dress, but still a guy!! :) 

Hopefully I can make some friends and get some tips here!! 

Anywho- have a great day, to the wonderful being who read all this!! 


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Reply by amanatsu <3


Reply by Kris


Hello Tea thank you so much for deciding to join the server and introduce yourself!I'm thankful that you decided to learn more about gyaru and I'd be happy to answer any questions you have with the (still) limited knowledge I have!

Kris~ 🎀💝👸

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