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Any aspiring morticians?

What the title says, is there anyone else here who wishes to become a mortician, and why? If you are a mortician and you happen to see this, how is it?

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Reply by arlo atomickk


i wouldnt say its my main aspiration, but i've heavily considered it! working with dead bodies, you get paid a lot as most people dont wanna do it. also, i think i'm okay with dead things (they've always fascinated me instead of grossed me out or anything and idk what that says about me),, but yeah i think it would be a cool job. 

I really couldnt imagine working somewhere where i'd have to be in constant communication with others, so working with dead bodies would be good lol 

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Reply by Marley Marx


I'm pretty sure morticians also have to give counseling to people who's family members recently passed away, obviously not all the time since they aren't a therapist, but if a family member needs counseling, morticians can give it. Most of it is working with the dead bodies though, obviously.

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