"Pastel goth" seemed to be hated by actual goths a lot; can we blame them? i currently identify as one, but.. i do think that the name breaks rule to what an actual goth is, and many of us dont even listen to goth music. (remember, music is a big key in every subculture :). ) Pastel goth would be the 2013 style of pastel goth, not the current style people refer to as such, plus if we call it "pastel goth" what about the other people who dress like this but dont like pastel colors? thats even MORE of disrespecting the goth subculture. So, pastel goth cant refer to the whole community, plus its in some way disrespectful to the actual goth culture, therefore its out. "2020 alt" ... we can agree that this is not a name we want, it sounds as if we arent a valid subculture.. i think the thing is that we were misunderstood for calling ourselves "goth" back in the day, which made a lot of people (understandably) mad.
So, what do we do now?
As you all must know, music is INCREDIBLY important in a subculture, its what keeps them together; emos listen mainly to rock and screamo, scenes to electronic music (usually rock as well) and screamo, goths listen to goth music, lolitas or kawaiicore people usually listen to a lot of nightcore and cutesy japanese music, metalheads obv to metal, so... i think to help us out come up with a name, we need to know what music we have in common! i may make a group for this because i genuinely wanna have an official name for this style.. and THEN instead of calling ourselves pastel goth, we can be pastel (insert-name), or those who arent pastel will just be (insert-name) yk??
I think it would be big help if fellow "2020-alt" people, commented their fav music genres/genre and a name yall would think would fit this subculture, if this forum gets enough attention i think we can make a group and come to an agreement there <3