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Human, but not human enough....?

Okay, so... I've had this kind of paranormal experience. Basically, I've always had these dreams when I was little of a man, but not really a man, who would like kidnap me and do bad things with, like r4p3 me or like try to kill me. And it hadn't happened in a couple of years, but, earlier this year, some months ago, I was at the market with my mom and I saw this man, tallish, with a white shirt, stained with blood in different points, even in the back. He had a really weird face and wouldn't act like a normal human, like, he would just stand there looking into the void, and not at me directly, but besides me. He really had this strong and suffocating energy, I almost started crying, and I quickly walked away with my mother. Now, I might be just crazy, but, I'm sure he was anything but human. He looked human, but his movements, and his face told otherwise. And his aura, too.

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Reply by Arctic


Was it the same the man from your dreams? Like physicallyΒ 

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Yesss! Even if the dreams are a bit vague, it was the same man. I recognized him.

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Reply by adam axemurder


hooooly shit that's scary o_o esp cuz it was the same guy... omfg. i wuz gonna write off the bloody shirt cuz i've got a shirt that looks bloodstained (my profile photo XD) but the face and the fact that hes the same guy from your dreams is scaryyyyy

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