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tips for studying ? (* ^ ω ^)

i'm undiagnosed but wuld say i have justifiable reason to think i'm autistic as not only do the symptoms apply buh loads of professionals have said i should be tezsted / think i am n i am going thru the diagnostic process in my country (* ^ ω ^) this is my first post here

i can't study n i have pretty serious upcoming exams cause during school i become so drained from masking all day that i sleep as soon as i come home, and i am super into waking up at 4:30am to fully prepare 4 the day n i can't break this routine. i go to homework club sometimes to catch extra studying n trying to reason with my school itself to get access to independent study instead of full on classes but that's a difficult battle w/o a formal diagnosis

i have summer vacation now (i live in the uk) but i keep dealing w depressive episodes (bpd) and i can't really do anything. i can't catch the motivation to get up and study but i keep beating myself up about it. whenever i go to study i just get so overwhelmed. any tips 2 make this easier? (* ^ ω ^)

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Reply by 𝕮𝖆𝖙𝕭𝖔𝖞★


↻ Late response, but what helps me is to take breaks while I study.

         My attention spam is around 10min, so every 10-15min I take a five minute break and just walk around or get some water.

               This second thing might work only for me but I also do better if I do two things at the same time. I feel like I get less stressed when I'm not pushing myself to hard to focus on one thing, so when I get tired of a subject I jump to another one and when I get tired of tat one I humor back. ❨When I do that I'm able to finish two things at the same time❩

Anyway, late comment, but maybe it helps you on future exams. Definitely look up studying tips on YouTube.


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