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lets start off sum icebreakers......whats ur fav part of the series? mine personally is the art and mental health themes

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Reply by Frankie


My favorite part is probably how accurately it nails the 2000s flash game vibe. It really feels like something I would have played during that time :)

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Reply by Captain Lhurgoyf


For me, it's the mystery and learning more and more about the lore with each video. I'll admit the first few videos seemed kind of corny and edgy, but Petshop especially makes me feel like there's something much bigger going on here and I'm eager to see more of it. The work that goes into the visuals and effects doesn't hurt either!

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Reply by Minispaceflyer


hi idk ig i really love the characters and overall the general style its beatifully made

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Reply by Laura


My favorite part of the game is the Lore!and the tension music,i really like alot lore and suspence music!

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