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book recommendations for a person who doesn't really read?

Posted by popcorn


Forum: Books and Stories

hi space people,

i don't really read many books but i have read some which i enjoy, but i want to get into something different

i'm not sure what genres i enjoy because i usually go by cover and/or name or ones i have read in school (like the great gatsby or something) but i would probably read anything that sounds cool enough to me XD

could you leave any suggestions in the comments? i don't enjoy romance or anything like that, mostly sci-fi or historical fiction or historical things in general? maybe even fantasy but that depends too (i'm really picky i apologise)

basically what i'm trying to say is if you have any book recommendations please tell me, i really want to get back into reading books again


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Reply by fifi ☆彡


Hi! I just read The Midnight Library by Matt Haig and i think its a really cool book! Its about a girl who is given a chance to live a different life, just slightly different or a lot different than the original life. its sort of a multiverse thing but there are rules and i like that about the book. Its 300ish pages but i promise its fast paced and i think you would like it. tell me what you think!

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Reply by popcorn


ooh i looked up the book and it looks really neat!! i'll look into it and see if i can get it, from what you said and what i saw about it it looks really good, thx :D

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