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What is the counterculture of today?
Welcome to the first forum on counterculture!
For ones I could think of, most have conservative political tendencies. The very public anti-vax movement in the US/Canada definitely showcases a strong attitude of societal defiance. Conservative militia groups, like those which performed a standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, have a libertarian message and a very strong rejection to neoliberal/left social and economic policies. I have yet to determine whether the Proud Boys could be considered countercultural in that their agenda seems to be more evocative than substantial - further, they show clearly present support to Donald Trump, and his direction of politics represent a sizeable status quo among conservatives in the US.
Antifa is another group that shows countercultural tendencies, but it seems their agenda is various, purposely disorganized, and more evocative than substantial, so it is hard to peg.
Eager to hear your thoughts on modern day counterculture!