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Shroom trip experience πŸ„πŸ„

Posted by Badü_Bünnii


Forum: Parties and Nightlife

So I partake in shroom eating.
I’m a hippy I love to get close to the universe and I tried mushrooms πŸ„ in hope of a good trip in meditation and vibrations. K so I took them with my boyfriend who isn’t as spiritual as I am but yk it’s shrooms it’s an experience itself.
I get the pain or ache then the limpy dizzy legs
Then it starts I feel like I’ve walked somewhere
Where the colors are more vibrant my cat (I have a 8month old cat) I’m pretty sure was aware and was looking at me tough eyes focused I could see all the details of his fur and honest to me ….could understand this damn cat

Β Then me and my bf preceded to have shroom sex whichwas wild cause when I touched my bf I saw visions on the Mayan tribes n shit
It was nutssss

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4 Replies

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Reply by grimreafer6621


lol that's interesting but also funny, one time I looked at myself in the mirror and I could see every detail in my face, shrooms are definitely something

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Reply by alioth_1,76


OMG! it sound funny

I'm trying shrooms like next month

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Reply by jubokkoyomi


Tried them for the first time four days ago and when people say the shrooms talk to you, they really mean it. Nothing beats a good lsd or shroom trip in nature with good company lol. I got to experience being somewhere between reality and fantasy outside of my body. The sky was a painting and the leaves on branches turned from healthy and uniform to tattered and shriveled. Walking felt like a long trip in one spot and a small sand dune felt like mount Everest. The beautiful fractals in the shapes of blooming flowers and pulsating RGB colors put me in a trance. Clouds turned into faces of cats from renesanse paintings and detailed pictures, as well as into spirals. Everything just felt surreal and my friend looked so beautiful, and her eyes were as bright as emeralds, her face covered with electric blue tribal lines. Every time i thought about love, the sky would blush in pink. Absolutely stunning. Can't wait to try it again :D

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Reply by 𝕷𝖔𝖑𝖆


shrooms are great, i really like how make you notice and appreciate the world around you tbh. i've done them 8 times now i believe and theyve helped me a lot. happy tripping :)Β 

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