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Election dinner turns dark

Posted by Belle


Forum: QSMP Group

So... a lot happened

The whole codes thing and now foolish helping the fed arrest pac and mike. It seems like jaiden is also in a grey area, bc during the interrogation she was helping him, even offering to help him escape. But there's nothing to concrete to assert they are in fact part of the fed, as far as i know. 

Also max came back. 

Update: Bad and Aypierre tortured foolish???? apparently nothing came out of it besides more proof that he was lying abt the fed threatening richas


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Reply by ItzaFelix


huff... I've been a bit outside of the fandom and I don't understand anything LOLOLO

seeing more members supporting the federation kinda creeps me out, I hope someone does something about it

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Reply by Dap


Not to mention gegg died and the code monsters can apparently disguise themselves ?? O_o
This could be game changing lore wise ,,, imagine they disguise themselves as other eggs or players ,, :0

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