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My CSS codes aren't working n SpaceHey (help pls)

Posted by Xylophone


Forum: SpaceHey

For whatever reason whenever I write out CSS in the about me section (specifically URLs) they straight up don't work. I've tried testing them out on different websites like neocities CSS tester and they worked just fine there, but not on my profile.

The code I'm currently trying to get to work is 



background: url(https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/013/109/681/large_2x/pastel-blue-aesthetic-background-can-use-for-print-template-fabric-presentation-textile-banner-poster-wallpaper-digital-paper-free-photo.jpg)



I've followed every tutorial I could watch but nothing helps. 

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2 Replies

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Reply by CaioEmPessoa


Hey, idk if you stills need it but the problem probalby is with the website you used to pick the image, some sites doesn't allow spacehey to use their images (I think imgur was one of those). Try this and see if fits what you want:


.profile {

background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0d/93/db/0d93dbfb2be20dabfba61ad3cd342fa1.png);



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Reply by Aylin



i have the same problem 

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