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Youtube Poops

Posted by steb•wash


Forum: General

I literally have no idea what Forum to post about this in so I chose General.

Are there any other Spacehey-er's that enjoy or create YTP'S?

If you're not familiar with what these are, here's Wikipedia's definition:
"A YouTube Poop (YTP) is a type of video mashup or edit created by remixing/editing pre-existing media sources often carrying subcultural significance into a new video for humorous, satirical, obscene and profane, as well as annoying, confusing, scary, shocking, surreal, or dramatic purposes."

I started creating YTP's in April 2020 while trying to find fun things to do in quarantine.  I'd been consuming them for a decade & tried my hand in creating them a few times prior, but always gave up for one reason or another.  But now I make them almost Full Time, putting a new one out once a week!

Check out my channel here.  If you create YTP's as well, pls feel free to share you channel below!

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5 Replies

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Reply by XaiBlaze


YouTubePoops are the best shitposts on the internet

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Reply by Kaine Depraysie


My favorites are “the rock wants his crack back” “hank hill is a dick” and “strange things are happening to andys toys”

I also love a lot of the spiderman ones but dont care much for the mario bros YTP. 

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Reply by /d/oomerGrl


Dude, YTP's were the shit, I wish people posted them more often like they used to

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Reply by ᑔΞVΛRΠ


Those old SpongeBob ones uses to be the shit 

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Reply by bendcash


Are yall a Hotel Mario or a Zelda CD-i typa guy

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