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What are the main things you need to know about witchcraft?

hey! my name is Alice, and even though ive been practicing witchcraft for about 2 ish years now, I feel like what i know is quite limited, and id just like to know what topics i should research more on!

currently i know about:

all different types of divination, the moon phases and what they mean, pendulums and tarot cards (as i have both) the different solstices and how to celebrate them and why, spell work, charm bags, different tools in witchcraft, and the different benefits of different herbs.

is there any advice that you can give me? or any knowledge, or anything that i should research? thankyou!!

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Reply by ᓚᘏᗢ


Only reminders I can really offer are discernment (mundane > magic) and the general basics that you already well along seem on your way.

Read critically: remember to always look for hidden intentions in resources.
If there's a post claiming [x], I want to check other sources also say it's [x] and not [y] or find if there's an [x, and] or [x, but].

Ask yourself:

  • Is the content informational?
  • What does the author/organisation stand for?
  • Is this site/author trying to sell me something?

General basics that I feel every witch should be consistently refreshing their skills on (like CME, continued medical education):

  • Protection: carrying protective crystals with you, sigils, charm bags, or make a spell jar.
  • Warding: protects your space. Again, sigils and crystals can work for this too.
  • Banishing: once an entity has entered your space and you have to get rid of it, you can do spells or rituals.
  • Cleansing: basically cleans the vibes of the place or thing you're cleansing on. Cleansing spray, smoke cleansing, sound cleansing or even visualizing are easy ways to cleanse.
  • Vetting: making sure an entity is who it claims to be. This is different depending on the entity, if it's a deity, daemon, angel, etc., research their myth/history and ask them questions on it. If it's a spirit guide, ask them questions about your life only they could know.
  • This turned out a bit lengthier than I expected but if you're ever curious on what else you should research I would keep leaning into that: curiousity! Let your mind wander and see what opens up to you (respectfully, of course, do be mindful of closed practices). I've had immense fun when I would just take the time to find where folktales and beliefs came from and it's opened up a whole can of things to explore with my craft.

    Blessed be, hope this helps!

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    Reply by Cowboy


    Honestly just practice most of the stuff you already know. If you really wanna learn something new, just drive deep into things you’re already familiar with. Usually they are huge rabbit holes that have a lot to offer!

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