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Gen-X ...anyone? ...anyone?

Posted by Blunt Farce


Forum: Life

Am I the only Gen-X fossil on spacehey?

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43 Replies

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Reply by sudofry


We do exist. Though this post is pretty old so I'm guessing most of the people in here aren't active anymore.

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Reply by whitepaperkat


I'm a millennial certainly not an x gen though 

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Reply by Arius


Xennial, technically, but grew up with a lot of older gen-X friends.

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Reply by Cranky Old Witch


Gen Xer here. Has this thread gone necro?


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Reply by Dead Weight


There are other elderly people here, like myself, who remember what's the relation between a ballpoint pen and a cassette.

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Reply by ActuallyKEN


Literally born in 2008 so I’m a gen-z but omg finding this website feels like im on the real MySpace like how people described the actual website, im a scene kid so this website is a DREAM COME TRUE!

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Reply by Gamer Gaming


the x stands for dead

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Reply by Nora Cola


Gen X present! 🙋🏽‍♀️

Just turned 50 a couple of weeks ago & still feel like a teenager in the 80s. An incredibly sluggish, achey, myopic, bloated, held-together-by-strings-and-bubblegum teenager.

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Reply by Niall


Hello to my fellow olds :)

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Reply by eem


Reply by BuggyD


Gray hairs here. 

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Reply by StephieMeade


Fossil here! 👋. I remember when the internet, myspace, yahoo, AOL etc all started . My school was the "hi-tech" school of the area in elementary We had the huge Apple computers playing math games and wagon train! 🤦🤦

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Reply by Flee


Nope. I just got here. 

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Reply by V Holeček Art


living artifact of the dial-in BBS-age, reporting in.

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Reply by JimmyJ


You are not alone!  Another Gen X here. I hate FB. This blast from the past is pretty cool so far.   :) Glad I'm not the only fossil out here. 

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Reply by Crow


Depending on which chart you look at I am a Gen X. I've been around since 86 but we lived pretty low tech for my first 7-9 years. The custom profiles are what made here and MySpace click.

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Reply by Anna Schröder


Xennial here (late Gen X/early Millennial) but I relate to and have more things in common with Gen Xers than I do Millennials.

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Reply by Wasteoid


I was born in 99 and never had a Myspace, took me a while to figure how to use this 

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Reply by Wasteoid


I was born in 99 and never had a Myspace, took me a while to figure how to use this 

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Reply by Erin


Reply by Kari💗Likelikes


Hello I've been breathing earth air since 1979.

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Reply by Ben


Born in very early 1982, so on the edge of Millennial and Gen X.

Millennials I get. Gen X too. Anyone older or younger? Not so much.

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Reply by 333H3llBl4ckC4t666


I was born in 2005 lol..

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Reply by 🎭 𝕂ℕ𝕆𝕋ℍ𝔼𝔸𝔻 🎭


Nope. Right here dood

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Reply by Blunt Farce


wow. and they say we Gen-Xers were all about 'snark'

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Reply by Elohimless 🤘🇵🇷


Go back to Facebook or reminisce about Friendster, bro! (Just kidding ). . .I was born in 89 so I think that makes me a "Millennial". . .I am kinda surprised there are any Gen Xers or Boomers on SpaceHey I thought most of y'all would be trapped in the Cult named Zuckerbergville. 

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Reply by ☆Melody


Reply by Palmfridur Hanna Gudsdottir


I was born old.  I need acted young, even when I was!  

I still play music / videos of The Cure, Echo & The Bunnymen, Johnny Marr, Morrissey, New Order, Psychedelic Furs, The Smiths, etc.  I still dig Disco, New Wave, Yacht Rock, and that groovy stuff.  

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Reply by Bina


Reply by WingnutMom


Gen x.  For sure.

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Reply by Julien


I'm like SusieQ84  here - millennial but my parents were very low tech and my childhood in the 90s was more like the 80s, so I had more of a Gen X or "Xennial" childhood.

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Reply by Blunt Farce


I can't reply to everyone specifically but thanks for the responses. It is nice to know there are some people on here aren't just "old enough to remember MySpace" but also old enough to remember a world before the internet. I even have 'Ceremony' beat: I was born before we walked on the moon ; )

We might still be outnumbered (on both sides of the generational timeline) but we know what we know.

Stay Strong Gen-X !! !!

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Reply by NotBlueAtAll


I was worried I would be the elder here. Yay for gen x!

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Reply by Get Off My Lawn Records


I’m right on the edge of elder millenial and Gen X.

Statistically speaking, y’all Gen Xers are pretty rare

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Reply by Lunchbox


I'm not up on all these "Generations".

I was born in '83, what does that make me?

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Reply by Brian Palmer


Nope! Gen X here. Myspace was my jam back in the day, so this has been a fun find!

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Reply by Danny, Why?


I was born in 1988 so I still count as a Millenial.

Not old enough for Gen X :D
Sorry :P

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Reply by TeeTee


Gen Y apparently. I cant keep up nor do I really care I guess lol

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Reply by 210Jenn


I was on MySpace in 1999, when i was leaving for college and now my 18 yr old is about the leave for college this fall. So yeah... 

someone on here said they were “over” Facebook because all of the “old people” have joined and its boring now. 
And i started second guessing if i should even be on this platform (that I miss!!) because i would be considered old.

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Reply by SusieQ84


Technically I am a millenial, but my parents ran a house like I was a GenX kid...soooo....

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Reply by Precious


Close. I'm a Xennial.

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Reply by Blunt Farce


Reply by jhobson67


Nope. I remember life before MySpace to ;)

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