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Two Top Tier Places to Submit Your Work

If you're thinking about submitting your work in any capacity, I would definitely recommend signing up for Duotrope and Submittable. Yes, both.

You get year round submission opportunities and from a variety of places. Not every publisher is a winner, of course, and if you're curious about how much it costs to submit your work, you get a more realistic understanding. This also encourages you to save to make one or two paid submissions a year.

By using them, you'll also be able to track your submissions, your rejections and acceptions, and build a small portfolio for yourself.

The difference between the two is that Duotrope has a free trial, and then it's $5/month afterward. Submittable has a free plan with paid options that offer more variety depending on your needs.

There are other submission trackers and writer communities out there as well, but as far as the two most known, most used, and easily accessible, I recommend these.

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Reply by malsaĝa


Hey there! Sorry for my late reply. I've been away.

I've submitted things on both, actually. On Submittable, I even participated in a paid literary contest. From my experience, it's been very straightforward, especially because everything is very organised and you can even get feedback in your inbox(es).

You have the ability to search the broader community on Submittable and see who is open for submissions, for how long, and whether or not they're free. I'm doubly sure you can do the same on Duotrope, but I haven't logged in there for a while.

Also, when you visit various pages, you get to read any rules of submission that they may have as well as any special categories they have which might fight your work better.

For example, one of the submissions I explored had required payment, but that literary outlet also had a subcategory for people experiencing financial hardship. In that section, they explained how often they took financial hardship submissions and what demographic they catered to for this service.

Because Duotrope requires payment, you'll often find a different selection of literary outlets and writers who use the service, but more or less, the experiences are about the same!

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