Let’s start a conversation on human trafficking awareness. If you have experiences or story times leave them here
remember if you see something call the National human trafficking hotline at 1-888-373-7888« Life Forum
Human Trafficking Awareness
10 Replies

Reply by Dadpool
Reply by Åndi [Hobbit]
Reply by Pauli
Bumping because super important thread.
I don't have too much to add except that at least some of human trafficking would be cut down if we found ways to reduce poverty worldwide -- a non-insignificant amount of human trafficking is because someone in the family unit feels that they have little/no choice but to sell themselves / their family members out so that the rest of the family can survive (that and in cases where the trafficking is more kidnapping than selling, the people most likely to be kidnapped are the people with the least social supports -- children in foster care, sex workers, undocumented immigrants, ect).
Reply by Kiryu Kazuma
Writing this down because I think it's important to point out & keep in mind:
Reply by Megan
Hey y’all :) thank you all for the replies. As far as site’s profiting from such things trust me there is a big law suit in place and action being taken as we speak.Â
Reply by Leiabeia
"Half the sky" is a great book talking about this
Both were very eye opening for meÂ
Reply by リサマリ異能
If you're thinking of moving to the Pacific Northwest, don't. If you don't have a support network already in place, you're going to end up on the street. Refugee or not, there's not enough services to support everyone. Whatever stories you've heard about the Portlandian utopia, you're 15 years too late. Sex trafficking is out of control between the constant flow of run aways and migrants (both internal and international) and the fent crisis. If you are a single woman walking alone, men will assume you're a prostitute. It doesn't matter what you're wearing or doing. I had a guy try to give me money to get in his car at a bus stop when I had multiple bags of groceries. Women go missing all the time, the cops are too overwhelmed to do anything.
Reply by LavenderLushLuxury â˜
I stayed at a really BAD shady Motel VERY Briefly, And the Managers were batshit crazy they treated anyone who was homeless like garbage and always threatened to call the police on Homeless people staying there because they were money-hungry and doing shady doing Illegal activities, We quickly left the establishment after they tried to call the Police on us for no reason, The Motel KNOWINGLY rented out rooms to, Drug Dealers, Domestic Violence Abusers, I would say they let Sex Trafficking occur their too because all the Motel cared about was money they DIDN'T give a shit who was staying there as long as they got paid, I would also say that labor Trafficking was maybe going on their too (NOT going to post the Hotel because I DON'T WANT people finding out where I live or what City)Â
I would just stay keep your eyes open about, The Motel & Hotel Industry they are shady AF and money-hungry and would do bad things for Capitalism Profits...!!!
Reply by Layna
"Cops are too overwhelmed to do anything"
Too overwhelmed with what, giving out traffic tickets and shooting people