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I just need some advice. (This was originally a bulletin but I decided I wanted it up longer)

I'm entering grade eight this year, and I know that isn't highschool and I'm still in middle school, but I'm really really REALLY scared for highschool.

Just for some background information, I have an IEP (Individual Education Plan) in math, which basically means that now that in entering grade eight I'll be learning grade seven math. And for COVID, I missed majority of grade four to go do online learning, and that was really hard. REALLY hard. So my parents have into my screaming and crying, and I basically didn't go to school. And with my luck, they had hard times giving the IEP students their work and I missed multiplication and divison. And then in grade five, when because of my IEP, I had to learn multiplication and divison. But guess what, since we were going from online to irl and then back and forth multiple times, I never actually learned multiplication or divison. All I can do in multiplication is 0×0, 1×1, 2×2, 5×5, 10×10 etc. And I can't do ANY divison. And to make everything even worse, for whatever reason, basic addition and subtraction take me a good twenty seconds to figure out. I don't even know why my addition and subtraction are messed up, because they have no reason to be!!

Okay. Now I'm entering grade eight. Last year of middleschool, and I have been told MULTIPLE times that in highschool I am going to get no help whatsoever and its going to be complete hell, which is basically telling me I'm dead meat.

I'm just scared, and I would love some advice. I don't even care what the advice is, I just need it!

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Reply by ismael


Try studying rn during summer grade with ur friends or online help teachers. When they say you´re not gonna get any help they mean it. High school is already a shitty experience socially. At least try to do something academically speaking

I wish you very good luck. And the best wishes. If you need to reach out to someone my dms are wide open 4 u. Good Luck

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Reply by ☆SAMI☆


Yeah I'm definitely doing that.

Thanks!! :)

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