O night, how I fell in love with you,
By looking at your dark sky,
During the day I know I will be reunited with you soon,
I am a knight of your sky, O night!
The late-night talkers have already gone to sleep,
Yet here I am, my emotions like a sea,
The stars felt sad and cried for me,
Weeping I am, on my knees.
I have my mind on an elegant gazelle,
So eloquent is her speech you wouldn't be able to tell,
If she was but a beautiful gazelle.
Her eyes have spilled my blood,
Her eyes are denying but her cheeks expose her,
Yet every advance, I only end up in the mud!
This gazelle, I cannot hunt her even in dreams,
Odd, for I have been the best of hunters,
Yet now it seems,
That I am the best of liars.
O night, when comes the meeting of lovers?
Will it be before the date of my murder?
Late-night talkers are sleeping,
While I can't because of yearning,
Even the stars felt sorry and started weeping,
The same way I am sitting.
Your starry sky is an ocean of dots of lights,
Oh, how I have spent the nights,
How I've seen the might,
How I've seen the wrong, and how I've seen the right,
O night, don't show me morning's light!