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Profile layouts/themes/coding for you?

Posted by Anfaeia


Forum: SpaceHey

Hello I've! I'm Fauxy-

-and I'd like to announce that I've made a few profile themes or whatever and posted them in my blog for those who'd like to add on or for those who don't know how to code and just want something so it doesn't look so "basic" like if granny or pappy, or whatever wanted something simple. 

I don't expect any kind of credit. But definitely leave some kudos! Please? 

When going into "edit profile" after copying the code from my blog (whichever code seems interesting) and paste the code to your "who I'd like to meet" section. 

As of right now, there are no previews for them yet. Hopefully there will be later. 

Much love!!! 


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2 Replies

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Reply by Natty


Do you do requests?

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Reply by Anfaeia


I can, yeah, but if it's extremely like... detailed I'm afraid I'm at a loss as to I'm relearning lol. Picture and color as closely as I can to the color you'd like thats about where I'm at rn lol

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