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I built a dark theme for the main page. [closed]

I have sorta built a css of a dark mode for the site, it's still a wip but people are still free to try it and even edit the code so that they can add just about anything like a background image or just anything fancy. It does use a plugin called Stylish, if there is a better way like with TemperMonkey or something, feel free to post your code. I wanna see what people can do on the home page now. https://userstyles.org/styles/266972/spacehey-dark-theme

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4 Replies

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Reply by Ikoe


> I wanna see what people can do on the home page now.

More than you might think, if I'm understanding your pondering correctly.

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Reply by Casey Riley


hey, this looks pretty cool. I honestly legit never seen this. Feeling kinda foolish now lol

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Reply by Ikoe


Difference in perspective. I think yours could end up being a lot nicer on the eyes for some—perhaps most people by sole virtue of being a more conventional dark theme. (The distinct amount of purple and blue here really aligns it closer to something like Twitter's "dim" styling than anything; not inherently negative, but I also imagine it's not exactly what some folks want out of a dark mode.)

I'd urge you to keep whittling away at it. Having stylized almost every nook and cranny, I'll be the first to tell you that it's a fair bit arduous when you're picking away at every single detail, class, and ID to the worrying extent of occasionally relying on obscure CSS3 selectors - the price you pay for not relying on JS, albeit for the better, all things considered - but the payoff's pretty damn satisfying.

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Reply by Casey Riley


Ikoe I do apologize for my dumb ass post. I honestly did not see this post but thank you for pointing it out. I will close this topic now. I'm sorry, I am confirmed brain damaged.

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