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Opinions on my profile? What can I do to make it better?

I've been coding for three days to get to where I am lol I'm finally starting to feel good about it, but I feel like somethings still missing. 

I've been wanting to move the "my heroes" box under or above my profile comments. Just so I can post whatever there, but I haven't been able to separate it and move it where I want. I ended up giving up. If someone has the ansewer or a good use for the box please let me know! 

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Reply by arlo atomickk


you can actually hide the box if you want!


div.table-section:nth-child(6) > div:nth-child(2) > table:nth-child(1) > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(6),

div.table-section:nth-child(7) > div:nth-child(2) > table:nth-child(1) > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(6) {display: none;}


also ur profile looks sick :D

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Reply by Pants 👖


That's a great option thank you! I just dont know what yo do with it

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