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Mormonism and it's confusing orgin.

I just want to talk about Mormonism's confusing origin. From what I remember this is the origin of Mormonism (correct me if I'm wrong.) It all starts when a man named Joseph Smith sees a vision of Jesus, Jesus told him to not visit any denominational Christian churches. Three years later, Smith claimed he saw an angel named Moroni. Moroni told Joseph that he was the chosen one to translate the Book of Mormon. He also said the book contained info about the ancient people who inhabited the America's. The book was revealed to him in 1822, but he couldn't retrieve it until 1827, The book was published in 1830. Smith later died in prison by an anti-mormon mob.


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Reply by marky


mormons have some serious problems; i think one of the biggest like messed up parts of christian sub-groups (JW, LDS Church, etc) is that they all have a persecution problem, so criticizing them in a funny way just reinforces their beliefs about "normal people" hating them and whatever, it's just weird! kinda sad too

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Reply by Seth


Mormons are wacky, but you should definitely be wary of their over representation in big corporations, MIC, and the Federal government. Lockheed Martin, most major arms dealers and manufacturers, many bureaus in Federal and State - hell the M1911 was made by a Mormon and it's still in service over 110 years later. If the US ever goes to shit the Mormons will establish a new Manifest Destiny and expand outward from Utah to conquer as much as possible - it's a common Mormon belief that the leader of their nation must be "A Caesar with the soul of Christ" - I believe them to be blasphemous and leading people astray, but I gotta admit they got their shit together better than most other religious groups on American soil.

Also their blasphemous because they believe that anyone can ascend to the state of godhood by adherence to the Mormon lifestyle - this flies in the face of God being the one true and only God and it preaches salvation through acts and not belief and acceptance that Christ died for our sins - straight to the boiler room for these people, wish they would see the error of their ways.

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Reply by Telo


Their rejection of the Trinity and view of God, as more fleshly and material (I have heard from some that Jesus had a wife) is extremely blasphemous and I suspect that his visions where genuine, but not of divine origin. Their concept of divinization seems extremely worldly and their formation of their extra book reminds me of the Quran as well. Also prohibitions are alcohol are stupid. 

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Reply by Someguyontheinternet


Heya! Utahn here, although I did not grow up with the religion but my parents did and I have friends that are part of the LDS church. The origin you gave is pretty spot on, as the beginnings of Mormonism is kinnda muddled and mostly controlled by the church. It's important to note that Joseph Smith wrote other texts relating to the Book of Mormon, although I can not name them of the top of my head.

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