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ravescene ppl unite!! B)

rlly liking the entire neon/rave/happy hardcore side of scene culture, where are my peeps? <3

share some cool accessories and other stuff asw if ya like!!! or fav artists too!

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Reply by 🌹DANI


i LOVE rave stuff!!! I don't really dress like it, because in general I love lots of stuff and can't choose lol, but I love the music️ my fav artist for this genere would be S3RL probably (I know it's not very underground but I can't find any others that I like!!! recs?)

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Reply by Luca!!


ty for ur reply! <33 s3rl is so validdddd!!!! i mean theres a reason hes as popular as he is B) shit doesnt have to be underground, if it slapz it slapz! i havent found anyone QUITE like him tbh?? 

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