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I want to learn more about my religion

Posted by FEPUN


Forum: Catholicism Group

I was raised Catholic growing up but I feel a bit disconnected from it and would like to learn more about Catholicism. Can anyone tell me the basic teachings and verses that I should know?

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Reply by Hyacinth


For learning about the doctrines of the Catholic Church, the Catechism is a great place to start. There are also a plethora of different Catholic channels on YouTube that are very informative. My favorite Catholic YouTube channel is Ascension Presents (https://www.youtube.com/@AscensionPresents). There is also a podcast called "The Catechism in a Year" which I highly recommend. It is hosted by Fr. Mike Schmitz who is a fantastic orator, and he makes all of the topics he speaks of very interesting. If you want to know anything else, please feel free to reach out to me. Hope that helped!

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Reply by FEPUN


Thanks! I will check those out! I appreciate the help!

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