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Dreams with time

There was once that I read that dreams are an alternate dimension where time doesn't exist, so I decided once that I was dreaming to ask "What year is it?" to which the person I asked was shocked and began to say desperately "You can't say that here!" and then I changed my dream, I found another person and I asked again "what time is it?", the person I asked started to get aggressive and chase me until I woke up, that was in December 2022, a few days ago weeks ago I dreamed again and by accident I asked "What day is it?", and when I did I was afraid of how they would react, but they only told me calmly "July 16" they stared at me for a moment and I woke up, the point is that I still It's not July 16, is something going to happen to me that day? or was it just coincidence?

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Reply by Actual Acorn


time exists in dreams but you cant keep track of it because your frontal lobe shuts down during REM sleep. you can find clocks in the dream world but they won't show you a consistent time.

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