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Dont know how to make friends as a shut in adult

Posted by Aesu


Forum: Friends

Honestly, im sure im limiting myself here but due to personal convictions (and family histories of addiction) i stay away from bars and clubs, but i cant think of any other way as a 22 year old to make real deep connections in person, does anyone else have this problem???

Edit: thank you guys for your help! I’ll see what my community offers in terms of clubs and classes for my age, I’ll also talk to my therapist about my SAD and ways to help me leave the house more. 

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Reply by Japes


Aside from online friendships, it's really very difficult to make meaningful connections IRL

The best way is really to just throw yourself at new experiences– you never know who you can meet just by trying new things and going to new circles. If a place doesn't feel right to you, you can always pack your bags and try somewhere else.

I know it sounds disheartening, especially because it involves so many soft rejections (moments where people just don't feel strongly enough to keep interacting regularly), but if you keep going it is bound to happen.

Good places may be art studios (the sort where you make your own at a class), the library, meetups for things like board games, etc. It's really about finding places around less party-centric hobbies that will get you the best results.

It's a tough world to make friends in, but it is certainly possible. Don't give up, and remember that you are worthwhile!!!

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Reply by just like bart


Oh boy how i know this feeling... I have SAD and agoraphobia so i barely go outside alone :(

As Japes suggested above, you can try meetups or art classes if you are able. Also people often suggest to join online communities for hobbies and/or fandoms such as Discord servers or Reddit forums. Though i cannot speak on behalf of these since i dont feel well in these spaces.

Another thing is online games if you are into these. It can lead to getting actual online friend like i used to have one.

Sadly these are only suggestions i have because i myself try to figure out this question. But i hope you will eventually succeed anyway :)

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Reply by murkrow


auauuuu yeah as someone who grew up extremely socially isolated i have this problem a ton. what ended up working for me was joining discord groups for real life clubs or activities in my area (e.g. i'm in uni right now and there is a pride club, so i joined the discord for that) and then being active and joking around and posting memes in there.. i find it much much easier to talk to people online than in person so being able to connect with people in a group setting online and then meet up irl once i knew them worked best for me

i think this may be situational though since if uve graduated or chosen not to do college im not shure what online groups ud join T~T hopefully othr ppl's suggestions here r helpful for that

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Reply by babsie


I know some cities have discords/reddits for residents to talk in. Maybe try interacting in those servers first to build your confidence, then try going to events linked in there? I'd also recommend any cons or markets near you! While they aren't a guarantee to make friends, it massively helps with building confidence and knowing how to converse. My mom and I have both met people through these ways, and I'm sure if we both tried harder on this front we could make friends this way, so I'm sure you can as well. Best of luck!

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