Hey!! I am new to space hey so sorry if I do anything wrong.
(Skip to the part with the * if you just wanna get straight to the point because I kinda rambled here XD)
So basically I want to become a Experimental psychologist when I grow up and I am not that smart or anything Academy like in science, history, geography ect I am alright I barely passed the tests
But in Math I am good, in class I mean I enjoy it but for some reason I always get concerning tired like to the point my eye lids get heavy and my body feels like it’s falling off the chair, I am not bored or anything I like math and I am excited to learn it but I can’t help myself even when the last class I was FULL of energy.
BUT anyway the reason I haven’t been able to apply myself is because of things in my personal life which is something I have recognised and worked on recantly
So I hope I’ll get better grades next year.
* now when i finsh school I want to go to study psychology since I am kinda good on it. But I have recently started to like the idea of travelling for a year or so (go to one country live there for a month get a job and then move to another one ) before coming back to go study in the UK. Since I have heard a lot of people saying they want to travel after they get a stable job but they then get so wraped up in the job and responsibilities that they never actually get to comit to it. So I thought it would be better this way.
I have brought this idea to my mother and she had brought up some valid concerns about my idea such as if I go and travel and have “fun” I guess can I really come back in the right mindset and concentration to learn such a complex subject (she studied psychology too) and she’s right after school I can’t take breaks or else I just don’t have the motivation to do any homework or work. And also to have money to go to those places in the first place is a factor I need to count, and she also said that it seems very unrealistic.
After that conversation I felt a bit defeated but now i don’t know which one I should choose if I should choose any of those two at all!
If any of you have any experience in this please let me know your options and thoughts.