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Hey I need help deciding a choice for my future.

Posted by Em


Forum: Goals, Plans, Hopes

Hey!! I am new to space hey so sorry if I do anything wrong.

(Skip to the part with the * if you just wanna get straight to the point because I kinda rambled here XD)

So basically I want to become a Experimental psychologist when I grow up and I am not that smart or anything Academy like in science, history, geography ect I am alright I barely passed the tests

But in Math I am good, in class I mean I enjoy it but for some reason I always get concerning tired like to the point my eye lids get heavy and my body feels like it’s falling off the chair, I am not bored or anything I like math and I am excited to learn it but I can’t help myself even when the last class I was FULL of energy.

BUT anyway the reason I haven’t been able to apply myself is because of things in my personal life which is  something I have recognised and worked on recantly 

So I hope I’ll get better grades next year.

* now when i finsh school I want to go to study psychology since I am kinda good on it. But I have recently started to like the idea of travelling for a year or so  (go to one country live there for a month get a job and then move to another one ) before coming back to go study in the UK. Since I have heard a lot of people saying they want to travel after they get a stable job but they then get so wraped up in the job and responsibilities that they never actually get to comit to it. So I thought it would be better this way.

I have brought this idea to my mother and she had brought up some valid concerns about my idea such as if I go and travel and have “fun” I guess can I really come back in the right mindset and concentration to learn such a complex subject (she studied psychology too) and she’s right after school I can’t take breaks or else I just don’t have the motivation to do any homework or work. And also to have money to go to those places in the first place is a factor I need to count, and she also said that it seems very unrealistic.

After that conversation I felt a bit defeated but now i don’t know which one I should choose if I should choose any of those two at all! 

If any of you have any experience in this please let me know your options and thoughts.

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Reply by Fran9


Of course it's up to you and it depends on your own circumstances and goals but i'd say to make adjustments to your plan along the way as your goals change and decide from there

I'm not speaking from experience as I'm just now getting into college counseling but traveling could give you motivation for when you study and depends on your own discipline to return to studying after a long break. You're right for taking into consideration your mom's thoughts, but if you're really passionate about traveling and you really think you can work hard in said country then her telling you it being "unrealistic" should not let you down fr

I also wanna travel n do the same thing in the future, but personally i'm focusing more on my education before taking that big step, and im planning on starting small like moving to a state i've always wanted to go to to study n work there. 

For academics, your grades should not let you down either, and if you're really interested in psychology you can take classes or find a program/organization for your age related to that 

whichever u choose im sure it will be ok u got this brother

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Reply by slouch


if the psychologist thing works out you will eventually be able to afford vacations. i think your mom isn't normally able to because she has kids. even getting like a dog can fuck up vacation plans. but if you don't have kids you'll get to do whatever you want sometimes. probably not during grad school though.

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Reply by Seth


My concern doesn't lie in the road getting to the end goal, but rather the end goal itself. I don't wanna put rats in your head - but "experimenting" and "psychology" sound like two things I'd like to keep separate - the history books are lined with stories of psychological experiments gone wrong, and their wide reaching side effects are still sending out shock waves today. Case in point - Harvard LSD Experiments. They gave a bunch of people LSD and then berated them and showed them violent images on a projector as part of a psychological experiment - the result was that one participant (Ted Kaczynski) abandoned his mathemantical pursuits went on to become The Unabomber.

What I'm trying to say here is - whatever you do, however you get there, IF you get there - tread lightly. The human mind can be a fragile thing.

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Reply by bambi.x


I don't have any experience but I'm kind of in same boat as you I would say that you should take a gap year work for 6 months save up then travel with your remaining 6 months.

I know it's not a full year but 6 months is still a really long time plus if you are only planning on staying in a country for 1 month that's 6 countries you get to visit!

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