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Science, Tech and Eng forum and category [pinned]

Hi All,

In the era of which the Livermore National Ignition Facility is studying real controlled fusion, I think SpaceHey needs a Science, Technology and Engineering forum and category.

Whats the general opinion?

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Reply by Gravitational_Energy


I like the thought of everyone choosing a topic before posting any science topic they want. However if you want I talk about evolution and the idea behind that.

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Reply by slocam


Well, I thought maybe a forum/category to cover multiple topics rather than push for THREE new forums/categories.

Hey, you should write a post about evolution. When you look at it, it's totally multidisciplinary. There's biology, the anthropological aspect, chemistry (of course), even electromagnetism is involved.

Getting back on track, I think we need a real Science\Tech\Eng movement here on SpaceHey.

Oh sh**, I forgot to add Richard Feynman to my heroes - I'm debating Immanuel Kant still, quietly.

Any thoughts on PBS SpaceTime ? ?

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Reply by arkan


this is exactly what we need, the “Life” category isn’t very specific, and doesn’t necessarily apply to science. it’s a little disappointing. 

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