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Favorite animal? And do you have it?

Posted by Riah <3


Forum: Pets and Animals

Title says it all fam: what’s ur fav animal? And why? I know a lot of ppl happen to have these animals cus it’s their fav and all, so I thought I should ask that too <3

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Reply by arlo atomickk


my fav animal is probably beavers! they're just little guys on missions and they're so adorable :3 

I've never even seen a beaver before sadly! they aren't native to where I live :(

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Reply by sadking


I try not to pick favorite between my animals, but man does my dog Sif have my full heart and attention majority of the time. He's a rescue, saved him from an abusive household when he was just a puppy, and he has anxiety. 

He's currently 7 years old, mans is growing up on me way too fast.

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Reply by Oak Madleaf


Orangutans, by I hardly consider them animals in the common sense - I believe them to be just as intelligent as us, just with different intentions. 

I'd also throw Moose, Octopi, Wombats, Bush Dogs, and that little fucker from the sea called the Mariana Snailfish who is WAY too silly for his own good (google it, he's so silly looking)

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