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Any good emo/scene/goth for a scemo on a budget and judging family?

I want to have some emo/scene/goth clothes but I have many problems. My family wont approve of me wearing clothes from those subcultures and I don’t have enough money for the special brands. (Emo/Scene/Goth based brands) Any stores for good clothing based on these three subcultures while not making my judging family mad and not draining my wallet?

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Reply by arlo atomickk


In terms of finances, thrifting is the way to go, especially considering that the height of emo/scene was just over a decade ago and so people are likely departing with their clothes now. Similarly, online second-hand stores like ebay will be good for you! Try to stay away from strictly emo/scene keywords as people tend to sell items targetted at emo people as more expensive. 

In terms of judging parents, you can still look emo/scene with a toned down wardrobe. Try to get basics like black jeans/black shirts or colourful jeans with a cami top (for scene) since they arent insane clothing choices by any means. You can wear pretty much anything as long as your hair and accessories are classed as 'scene', yano?

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Reply by DarkSeraphim693


My parents allow me to wear band tees without faces in them. My mom wont allow me to wear tees with death related motiffs.

Also I cant dye my hair, especially with fancy colors. 

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Reply by duncannnn


id say go to goodwill when you can or to other thrift stores, id also say having a friend order some accessories for you and wearing them out or at school and taking them off when around family. id also say going to claires and find some colorful hair extensions so u can sneak them into ur hair for a pop of color. id also say go to garage sales and see if they have any dark clothes. also if you can, get some chains at ur local craft store and at them 2 ur outfit! i hope this helps 

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Reply by caweyka


Wear black stuff a lot! But Vinted & EBay will be your best friends - I’ve found band tees on there for less than 6 usd & many people have rock-bottom prices because Vinted attracts cheap people, so it’s much better than depop tbh. If you just search “graphic” into eBay, you’ll find cheap shirts as well. 

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Reply by enegydrink


Ohhh, I feel ya. Get acrylic paint, black t shirts in bulk, and paint em :P Preferably simple stuff, maybe? make sure to like... iron it too, otherwise the paint won't stick. spray paint also works!!!!

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Reply by OliverPolymer


Since you're not allowed to dye your hair, I'd recommend clip in synthetic extensions. I've seen a bunch of different colors on Aliexpress for around $10 (Amazon sellers are reselling from Ali). Your parents are likely to let you wear/buy those, especially if it means you won't bug them about dying your hair for a while. :P

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