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I need Advice!

Hey, not my thing to usually ask on here, but im currently ((well now talking)) to a pretty cool guy. Before, we kind of rushed things and are now just scaling back.. the thing is, i've never really been in a talking stage before so i kind of need advice. What do i ask to get to know him better? Do i need to know a whole lot about him?? what is the talking/dating stage all about?? 

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Reply by Tuesday


Be really lax about things. Seeing as you've rushed things in the past, just treat him like normal. Don't be afraid to show affection or desire attention, just be wary not to seem super-clingy.

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Reply by Vampr3Khala


Interesting in his topics of interest :3 it's important not to overwhelm him, ask him questions, ask him out on dates or casual outings, like "Wanna hang out?" Just try not to do it too much, but before you know if you like it, learn a thing or two about it.

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