It seems that following the boom of 'alternative' culture that kind of exploded on tiktok, and shows like Wednesday bringing the gothic subculture back into the mainstream, there is a growing emphasis on commercialised gothic clothing brands and non-gothic brands targetting these subcultures. ONE google search of 'goth dress' and you can see how insane the prices get
It seems that such an emphasis on getting the hottest new goth clothing from brands like dollskill, disturbia and shein has been giving people a distorted perception of goth, putting too great an emphasis on the fashion aspect and creating a weird element of gatekeeping and classism to the scene?
Not to mention the fact that these fast-fashion brands are KNOWN for exploiting and underpaying their workers.
It's crazy to see how attitudes to goth being a fashion-focused subculture has changed over the years! In the 80's and 90's, the term "mall goth" was used for those who'd only buy from ridiculously overpriced stores and engage with no other aspect of the culture and still claim to fall under the label. However, nowadays it seems all too normal for gatekeeping to occur when someone doesn't present 24/7 goth.
I can promise even your goth idols do not have the energy to dress in full gothic makeup and clothing every day of their lives!
Even then, the fashion is such a small aspect of the culture that it isn't even important to whether or not you fall under the label! It's literally all about the music, and it seems that the further we get from the roots of the subculture, the further we get from its core values!!
Being inspired by the preceding punk subculture of the 70's, goth upheld many of the anti-consumerist and anti-establishment roots of punk, utilising heavy DIY elements and ethical consumption of clothing. Additionally, the aesthetics drew from glam-rock through the exploration of sexuality and gender-expression!
But, where the hell has the essence of the whole subculture gone when people are feeding into the very thing they sought to destroy? When people are pushing gender-normative ideals of dressing and unethical consumption of clothing and accessories? WHERE IS THE INDIVIDUALITY?
I'm literally just making this post to educate people on this strange growing consumerism that is pop-goth culture. Also because it's been playing on my mind for a while now.
I wanna hear everyone else's thoughts though; am I just creating a problem where there is none? What are your thoughts on the fashion-emphasis of modern-day goth?