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Favourite consoles?

Posted by Zauberer


Forum: Games

I am curious to know what your favourite consoles are and for what reasons.

My fav console of all time will always be the original Playstation. It was the perfect storm, a period when studios that would be nowadays considered "indie" had the opportunity to create such masterpieces: small teams, a market still quite niche that allowed for experimentation and development costs that were not that huge.

Basically you have the names that everyone knows (Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Crash Bandicoot) but also more niche and high quality stuff such as Xenogears, Castlevania SOTN, Chrono Cross, Parasite Eve.

Close second has to be the SNES. Too many games that defined history (and that are still fun as fuck to play today). Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Donkey Kong Country 2 and Super Metroid have to be my most beloved games.

What about you?

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3 Replies

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Reply by Expoloding_Bapies!


Xbox360, so many memories of modern warfare, modern warfare 2, halo 3 black ops, black ops 2 all with my buddies. (And Doritos crash course lol.)

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Reply by porkyblack8


wii u good games except in 2016 all shit that year

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Reply by xXkf100Xx


oh boy i have a lot!!!
pc, xbox 360, playstation 2, gamecube, wii, ds, gameboy advance, nintendo 64, original gameboy, gameboy color,

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